elon musk ,is not exsposeing them hes hideing it for them ,if the president had asked to see the records ,thier is no judge that could of blocked him , he is the law ,thier is no higher authority than him ,and with the people behind him ,nothink could stop him ,musk got it blocked so they can edit the files ,go and look at the federal regiester ,all the rules are being changed
musk is not exsposeing them ,hes covering it up ,m russo made ceo of ss department ,4 th feb 2025,,if your investageing some one ,its ilegal for you to be in that position,why is he thier ,thier are to many who are from the gov departments ,elon is working for deep state ,
elon musk ,is not exsposeing them hes hideing it for them ,if the president had asked to see the records ,thier is no judge that could of blocked him , he is the law ,thier is no higher authority than him ,and with the people behind him ,nothink could stop him ,musk got it blocked so they can edit the files ,go and look at the federal regiester ,all the rules are being changed
musk is not exsposeing them ,hes covering it up ,m russo made ceo of ss department ,4 th feb 2025,,if your investageing some one ,its ilegal for you to be in that position,why is he thier ,thier are to many who are from the gov departments ,elon is working for deep state ,