Unfair decisions made by AI can change how people act toward others, making them less likely to address injustice.
The researchers highlight that AI's unfairness might desensitize people to injustices, potentially undermining social norms and accountability. Researchers call this effect AI-induced indifference.
Question for ChatGPT-4o: Please read the article "Unfair decisions by AI could make us indifferent to bad behaviour by humans" and the paper "AI-induced indifference: Unfair AI reduces prosociality" and tell me what they say in easy to understand language
ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Unfair Decisions by AI Could Make Us Indifferent to Bad Behavior by Humans
This article explains how experiencing unfair treatment by AI (like being denied a benefit or opportunity) can make people less likely to stand up against bad behavior by others afterward. Researchers call this effect AI-induced indifference. They found that people tend to blame AI less for unfair decisions compared to humans. This lack of blame reduces their drive to act against injustice, even in unrelated situations.
The authors suggest that AI's influence isn't limited to individual decisions—it ripples out, affecting human-to-human interactions. They recommend reducing biases in AI systems, increasing transparency about AI decisions, and raising awareness about how AI's unfairness might affect our sense of justice.
AI-Induced Indifference: Unfair AI Reduces Prosociality
This paper focuses on how unfair decisions by AI versus humans influence people's willingness to act prosocially (e.g., to punish unfair behavior). Across four experiments, researchers found that when people experienced unfairness from AI, they were less likely to punish human wrongdoers in subsequent scenarios. This behavior happens because people tend to hold AI less accountable than humans for unfair actions.
The researchers highlight that AI's unfairness might desensitize people to injustices, potentially undermining social norms and accountability. They urge further research and development of AI systems to prevent these unintended societal effects.
In short, both discuss how unfair decisions made by AI can change how people act toward others, making them less likely to address injustice. This suggests a need for ethical AI design and public awareness to counter these effects.