AI's list of prompts that can be used to check the validity and authenticity of research papers and journals
Google Bard: By using AI in these ways, we can help to protect the integrity of scientific research and prevent researchers from being scammed
Question 1 of 3 for AI Services: Please read the following guidance materials and best practices in how to deal with Predatory Journals and scams related to research papers [redacted]. Please do not summarise the materials nor mention any companies or individuals mentioned in those materials. Please put together a list for me with all the prompts that people can ask AI services when wanting to prevent themselves from falling victim to Predatory Journals, fraudsters and scammers. Please be as elaborate as possible.
ChatGPT-4’s answer:
Based on the guidance materials you provided, here are some prompts that people can ask AI services when sharing the link to the article with AI services or the PDF of the research article:
"Can you identify the main points in this research article?"
"What is the abstract of this research paper?"
"Can you provide a brief overview of the methodology used in this study?"
"What are the key findings or results in this research paper?"
"What conclusions are drawn in this research paper?"
"Can you identify any limitations or areas for future research mentioned in this paper?"
"Can you provide information on the authors of this research paper?"
"What is the publication date of this research paper?"
"Can you provide the citation for this research paper?"
"Can you identify the research questions or hypotheses in this study?"
"What are the key terms or concepts used in this research paper?"
"Can you provide a summary of the discussion section in this research paper?"
"What is the context or background of this research paper?"
"Can you identify any conflicts of interest declared in this research paper?"
"What is the impact factor of the journal in which this research paper is published?"
"Can you provide information on the peer-review process for this journal?"
"Can you identify any references or sources cited in this research paper?"
"Can you provide a summary of the introduction section in this research paper?"
"Can you identify the theoretical framework or models used in this research paper?"
"Can you provide a summary of the data analysis in this research paper?"
Remember, the AI service can only provide information based on the content of the article or PDF provided, and cannot verify the legitimacy or quality of the research beyond the information contained within the document.
Bing Chat’s answer:
Hello, this is Bing. I have read the guidance materials and best practices in how to deal with predatory journals and scams related to research papers. Here is a list of possible prompts that people can ask AI services when sharing the link to the article with AI services or the PDF of the research article:
What is the impact factor of the journal that published this article?
Is this journal indexed in reputable databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, or PubMed?
Does this journal have a clear and transparent peer-review process?
Does this journal charge any fees for submission, publication, or access to the articles?
Does this journal have a clear and ethical policy on authorship, plagiarism, and conflicts of interest?
Does this journal have a legitimate and verifiable editorial board and contact information?
Does this journal belong to any recognized or reputable academic associations or societies?
Does this journal have a consistent publication history and frequency?
Does this journal have a clear and specific scope and aim?
Does this journal follow the standards and guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)?
How credible and relevant are the sources cited in this article?
How original and significant are the research questions, methods, results, and conclusions of this article?
How well-written and structured is this article?
How does this article compare to other articles on the same topic or field?
Google Bard’s answer:
Sure, here are some prompts that people can ask AI services when sharing the link to the article with AI services or the PDF of the research article:
Is this a predatory journal? This is a good question to ask if you are unsure about the legitimacy of a journal. Predatory journals are journals that charge authors high fees to publish their research, but do not provide adequate peer review or editing services.
Is this a scam? This is another good question to ask if you are unsure about the legitimacy of a research article. Scammers may try to trick researchers into paying for publication in fake journals or into providing personal information.
What is the impact factor of this journal? The impact factor is a measure of the importance of a journal. It is calculated by dividing the number of citations to articles published in a journal in a given year by the number of articles published in that journal in the previous two years. A high impact factor indicates that the journal is well-respected and that its articles are often cited by other researchers.
What is the peer review process for this journal? The peer review process is a process by which articles are evaluated by experts in the field before they are published. This process helps to ensure that the articles are of high quality and that the research is sound.
What are the ethical guidelines for this journal? Every journal has its own ethical guidelines. These guidelines may cover issues such as plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and conflicts of interest. It is important to be aware of the ethical guidelines of the journal before you submit your research.
By asking these questions, you can help to protect yourself from predatory journals and scams. You can also help to ensure that your research is published in a legitimate journal and that it is subjected to rigorous peer review.
Here are some additional tips for avoiding predatory journals and scams:
Do your research. Before you submit your research to a journal, take some time to research the journal. Look for information about the journal's impact factor, peer review process, and ethical guidelines.
Be wary of high fees. Predatory journals often charge high fees to publish research. If a journal is charging you an unusually high fee, it may be a scam.
Be wary of unsolicited invitations. Predatory journals often send unsolicited invitations to researchers to submit their research. If you receive an unsolicited invitation to submit your research, be careful.
Talk to your colleagues. If you are unsure about the legitimacy of a journal, talk to your colleagues. They may be able to give you advice or point you to resources that can help you make a decision.
Question 2 of 3 for AI services: When reviewing the research, which characteristics of fraudulent journals or research papers stand out? Please list them.
ChatGPT-4’s answer:
Sure, here are some characteristics that may indicate a journal or research paper is fraudulent or predatory:
Lack of Transparency: Predatory journals often lack transparency in their operations, including their editorial processes, peer-review procedures, and fees.
Rapid Publication: Predatory journals may promise extremely fast peer-review and publication times, which is unrealistic for thorough, legitimate peer-review processes.
Spam Emails: Predatory journals often send unsolicited emails to authors inviting them to submit their work. These emails may be poorly written or contain spelling and grammar errors.
Questionable Editorial Board: The editorial board may be nonexistent, lack credibility, or include members who are not aware they are listed.
Indexing Misrepresentation: Predatory journals may falsely claim to be indexed in reputable databases.
Impact Factor Misrepresentation: Predatory journals may claim to have an impact factor when they do not, or they may use metrics that are not widely accepted in the academic community.
Publication Fees: While many legitimate open-access journals charge publication fees, predatory journals may not be transparent about these fees, or they may charge authors additional fees after acceptance.
Poor Quality of Published Articles: Articles published in predatory journals may be of noticeably poor quality, with inadequate methodology, analysis, or conclusions.
Broad Scope: Predatory journals often have a very broad scope to attract submissions from a wide range of disciplines.
Website Appearance: The journal's website may be poorly designed, difficult to navigate, or contain spelling and grammar errors.
Copycat Names: Predatory journals often use names that are very similar to well-established, reputable journals to confuse potential authors.
Lack of Reputable Publisher: Predatory journals are often not associated with reputable academic publishers.
Lack of Archiving: Predatory journals may not provide a secure and permanent archive, which can lead to articles disappearing from the record.
Unsolicited Invitations to Conferences: Similar to spam emails for paper submissions, predatory journals may send unsolicited invitations to conferences that are not well-established or relevant to your field.
Please note that while these characteristics can be indicative of predatory or fraudulent journals, they are not definitive. Some legitimate journals may exhibit one or two of these characteristics, especially newer or smaller journals. Always use a combination of factors to evaluate the credibility of a journal or research paper.
Bing Chat’s answer:
Some of the characteristics of fraudulent journals or research papers that stand out are:
They claim to be a peer-reviewed open-access publication but do not provide adequate peer review or the level of peer review promised.
They advertise a Journal Impact Factor or other citation metric on the website that is incorrect or cannot be verified.
They charge fees for submission, publication, or access to the articles without disclosing them clearly or providing any value-added services.
They have a vague or unethical policy on authorship, plagiarism, and conflicts of interest.
They have a fake or unqualified editorial board and contact information.
They do not belong to any recognized or reputable academic associations or societies.
They have an inconsistent or irregular publication history and frequency.
They have a broad or unclear scope and aim.
They do not follow the standards and guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
They publish research that is misleading, fabricated, duplicated, or plagiarized.
They cite sources that are not credible or relevant.
They present research questions, methods, results, and conclusions that are not original or significant.
They have poor writing and structure quality.
Google Bard’s answer:
Sure, here are some characteristics of fraudulent journals or research papers that stand out:
The journal has a high publication rate. Predatory journals often have a high publication rate, meaning that they publish a lot of articles in a short period of time. This is often a sign that the journal does not have a rigorous peer review process.
The journal does not have a clear editorial board. Predatory journals often do not have a clear editorial board, meaning that it is not clear who is responsible for the peer review process. This is often a sign that the journal does not have a rigorous peer review process.
The journal charges high fees to publish articles. Predatory journals often charge high fees to publish articles. This is often a way for the journal to make money, rather than a way to ensure the quality of the research.
The journal has a poor website. Predatory journals often have a poor website. This may include typos, grammatical errors, or outdated information.
The journal has a suspicious name. Predatory journals often have names that are similar to the names of legitimate journals. This is a way for the journal to trick researchers into thinking that it is a legitimate journal.
The journal has a poor reputation. Predatory journals often have a poor reputation. This may be due to complaints from researchers or to reports in the media.
If you see any of these characteristics in a journal or research paper, it is important to be cautious. You should do your research to make sure that the journal is legitimate and that the research is sound.
Here are some additional tips for identifying fraudulent journals or research papers:
Check the journal's impact factor. The impact factor is a measure of the importance of a journal. It is calculated by dividing the number of citations to articles published in a journal in a given year by the number of articles published in that journal in the previous two years. A high impact factor indicates that the journal is well-respected and that its articles are often cited by other researchers.
Check the journal's peer review process. The peer review process is a process by which articles are evaluated by experts in the field before they are published. This process helps to ensure that the articles are of high quality and that the research is sound.
Check the journal's ethical guidelines. Every journal has its own ethical guidelines. These guidelines may cover issues such as plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and conflicts of interest. It is important to be aware of the ethical guidelines of the journal before you submit your research.
By following these tips, you can help to protect yourself from fraudulent journals and research papers.
Question 3 of 3 for AI Services: do you have any other advice for people who do not want to become victims of fraudsters active in the field of journals and research? Is there anything else that AI can do to help?
ChatGPT-4’s answer:
Absolutely, here are some additional tips to avoid falling victim to fraudulent journals and research:
Check the Journal's Reputation: Use tools like the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Journal Citation Reports, or Scopus to verify the journal's reputation. These databases only include journals that meet certain quality standards.
Verify the Publisher: Check if the publisher is a member of recognized professional organizations such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), or the International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers (STM).
Contact the Editorial Board: If you're unsure about a journal, try contacting members of the editorial board. If they're unaware of their involvement with the journal, it's likely a predatory journal.
Check the Peer Review Process: Legitimate journals should clearly explain their peer review process. Be wary of journals that promise extremely fast peer review.
Beware of Unsolicited Invitations: Be cautious of unsolicited emails inviting you to submit your work to a journal, especially if the email is poorly written or the journal is not well-known in your field.
Consult Colleagues and Mentors: If you're unsure about a journal, ask colleagues, mentors, or senior researchers in your field. They may have valuable insights and experiences to share.
As for how AI can help, there are several ways:
Text Analysis: AI can analyze the text of a journal's website or emails for signs of fraud, such as poor grammar or spelling, or phrases commonly used by predatory journals.
Database Cross-Checking: AI can cross-check the journal or publisher against databases of known predatory journals, such as Beall's List.
Email Filtering: AI can help filter out unsolicited emails from predatory journals, similar to how spam filters work.
Network Analysis: AI can analyze the network of citations to and from a journal to identify suspicious patterns, such as a lack of citations from reputable journals.
Fact-Checking: AI can help fact-check claims made by the journal, such as indexing in reputable databases or membership in professional organizations.
Remember, while AI can be a helpful tool, it's not infallible and should be used in conjunction with other methods to evaluate the credibility of a journal or research paper.
Bing Chat’s answer:
Some other advice for people who do not want to become victims of fraudsters active in the field of journals and research are:
Be wary of unsolicited emails that invite you to submit your work to a journal or a conference that you have never heard of or that is not related to your field of study.
Do some background research on the journal or the publisher before submitting your work. You can use tools such as Think. Check. Submit, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), or Journal Citation Reports (JCR) to verify the quality and credibility of the journal or the publisher.
Consult with your colleagues, mentors, librarians, or other experts in your field for their opinions and recommendations on where to publish your work.
Retain your rights as an author and do not sign any contracts or agreements that are unclear, unfair, or unethical.
Report any suspicious or fraudulent journals or publishers to the relevant authorities, such as COPE, OASPA, DOAJ, or your institution.
AI can help you avoid predatory journals and scams by providing you with information and tools to evaluate the quality and credibility of journals and publishers. AI can also help you improve your writing and research skills, as well as connect you with other researchers and experts in your field. However, AI cannot replace human judgment and expertise, so you should always use critical thinking and common sense when deciding where to publish your work.
Google Bard’s answer:
Sure, here are some other pieces of advice for people who do not want to become victims of fraudsters active in the field of journals and research:
Be aware of the signs of a predatory journal. As I mentioned before, there are a number of red flags that can indicate that a journal is predatory. These include a high publication rate, a lack of a clear editorial board, high fees, a poor website, a suspicious name, and a poor reputation.
Be wary of unsolicited invitations to submit your research. Predatory journals often send unsolicited invitations to researchers to submit their research. These invitations are often sent to a wide range of researchers, regardless of their field of expertise. If you receive an unsolicited invitation to submit your research, be careful.
Talk to your colleagues. If you are unsure about the legitimacy of a journal, talk to your colleagues. They may be able to give you advice or point you to resources that can help you make a decision.
As for what AI can do to help, there are a number of things that AI can do to help identify and combat predatory journals. For example, AI can be used to:
Identify predatory journals. AI can be used to analyze the characteristics of journals to identify those that are likely to be predatory.
Flag suspicious articles. AI can be used to analyze articles for signs of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and other forms of academic misconduct.
Educate researchers about predatory journals. AI can be used to create educational resources that can help researchers identify and avoid predatory journals.
By using AI in these ways, we can help to protect the integrity of scientific research and prevent researchers from being scammed.